
Brand colors

OONI Blue (blue5)


Light Blue (blue3)



Our color palette is adapted from Open Color, an open-source color scheme. All hues apart from blue are taken as-is from Open Color. The blue shades are adapted to include OONI's primary (#0588CB) and secondary (#5DB8FE) color.

Keep in mind when you are combining colors from different hues (for example for a data visualisation) be sure to pick ones that have some brightness variation (luminance).

As a concrete example if you wanted to create a categorical data visualisation, you would want to pick indigo5, yellow6, cyan7 (they have different number so different brightnesses too!) and should not pick indigo5, yellow5and cyan5 (which all have the same brightness value and can appear very similar to color blind people). Keep it accessible.


gray 0


gray 1


gray 2


gray 3


gray 4


gray 5


gray 6


gray 7


gray 8


gray 9



blue 0


blue 1


blue 2


blue 3


blue 4


blue 5


blue 6


blue 7


blue 8


blue 9



indigo 0


indigo 1


indigo 2


indigo 3


indigo 4


indigo 5


indigo 6


indigo 7


indigo 8


indigo 9



violet 0


violet 1


violet 2


violet 3


violet 4


violet 5


violet 6


violet 7


violet 8


violet 9



fuschia 0


fuschia 1


fuschia 2


fuschia 3


fuschia 4


fuschia 5


fuschia 6


fuschia 7


fuschia 8


fuschia 9



pink 0


pink 1


pink 2


pink 3


pink 4


pink 5


pink 6


pink 7


pink 8


pink 9



red 0


red 1


red 2


red 3


red 4


red 5


red 6


red 7


red 8


red 9



orange 0


orange 1


orange 2


orange 3


orange 4


orange 5


orange 6


orange 7


orange 8


orange 9



yellow 0


yellow 1


yellow 2


yellow 3


yellow 4


yellow 5


yellow 6


yellow 7


yellow 8


yellow 9



lime 0


lime 1


lime 2


lime 3


lime 4


lime 5


lime 6


lime 7


lime 8


lime 9



green 0


green 1


green 2


green 3


green 4


green 5


green 6


green 7


green 8


green 9



teal 0


teal 1


teal 2


teal 3


teal 4


teal 5


teal 6


teal 7


teal 8


teal 9



cyan 0


cyan 1


cyan 2


cyan 3


cyan 4


cyan 5


cyan 6


cyan 7


cyan 8


cyan 9
